Power Company Climbing

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Applied Body Tension: Get More From Your Core.

We can all agree that core strength is an incredibly important part of your preparation for climbing, but possibly more important is how you apply that strength.  Too often I've seen climbers unable to hold on after cutting feet, and respond with, "I need to do more core."

Wrong. You need to learn better how to use the core you have.

We've worked for the last year, inspired by a drill brainchild from Nate we call "rooting," to put together this system designed to teach better body tension to climbers.  You've heard us talk about "rooting" on the podcast, and some of you have emailed us to find out more.  Now we have a place to send you.

Our new "Applied Body Tension" ebook is a series of progressions that will teach you to apply your core strength through your entire body, toes to fingertips.  We see tension as a dial that includes relaxation, a necessary component for climbing, so you will also better learn how and when to relax, and how to toggle between the two states.  This ebook includes a system of proven drills and progressions that can be applied to nearly any climbing session, and is designed to be plugged into any training plan.  Beginning as warmups and progressing over time, this system of drills is appropriate for any level of climber, and will give more value and importance to your warmups.  

The Tension Dial

We're also bringing a workshop that teaches these concepts on the road with us.  Hope to see you soon!

See this content in the original post