Power Company Climbing

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The #1 Reason Why Your Climbing Training Doesn't Work

Do as I say, not as I do.

I wish those instructions actually worked, but they never do. Fact is, I train hard. I train smart. Most of the people I work with do the same, and I'm not shy about telling them that if they are taking shortcuts, they are only hurting themselves. But here's where it goes wrong - wrong for them, but right for me, that is. I choose not to climb outside when the conditions aren’t good.

At 90 degrees with 90% humidity, I'm going to stay in the gym. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

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That doesn't mean that it's right for you. More than likely, it isn't. Most of the people I work with have only been climbing seriously for a few years, and they all stand to gain a wealth of experience by grinding through the heat of a summer or suffering through snowy, freezing days. I've climbed thousands of routes outside, in every condition imaginable; they've climbed 30 or 40 routes TOTAL.

You  CANNOT shortcut experience, and you don't get climbing experience in the gym.

I see it over and over again…

WANT MORE? READ THE REST IN: The Hard Truth: Simple Ways to Become a Better Climber

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