Kettlebells for Climbers 2


For climbers who want to further their kettlebell practice. While our first KB program is not a prerequisite, this is a more advanced plan, and assumes an understanding of KB fundamentals. Designed for use with your own climbing specific plan. Click for more info.

**1-on-1 coaching not available for this program.

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Because we believe that kettlebells are one of the most effective ways for climbers to build strength, power, and conditioning, our coach Paul Corsaro, has built on the general principles learned in our popular Kettlebells for Climbers program to bring you the next step: Kettlebells for Climbers 2.

Here we'll be progressing some movements, introducing new ones, and taking a slightly different approach than before, incorporating what we've learned and what's changed with our training philosophy regarding kettlebells over the years.

You’ll need access to kettlebells for this plan. A selection of sizes is best, but at least 3 bells is recommended. A light bell (overhead press 8-10x), a moderate bell (5-8x), and a heavy bell (less than 5x).

This plan consists of 3 phases, each broken into 3 weeks or “sprints,” followed by a deload week. Calling each week a “sprint” can help you think of each part of the training plan as its own process. Paul has found it helps him to stay focused on what's at hand and put forth his attention towards executing every sprint to the best of his ability.

This program is currently only available as a self-directed training program (no 1-on-1 coaching available).